Once I went shopping in the mall, when I passed a shoe shop. There were all kinds of shoes and shoes in the window display. I started thinking that who makes this fashion? What does the styles we wear indicate? Shoes: Those we wear everyday and still we know very little about the history of shoes. Here are 10 random and some strange facts about the history of shoes.
1. Classy shoes? Or just shoes that indicate your "class" in society?
In ancient Egypt, the slaves did not have any shoes or sandals made from palm leaves. Commoner worn a sandal made of Papyrus. People with high status were allowed to wear fangs sandals. The red and yellow colours were reserved for the highest society only. It would be easy to see which status of society is by looking at footwear worn by them.
2. Ever hear the word "two left foot"?
It was not until 1818 that the right shoe was invented. Until that time, there was no difference in the shoes made for the left or right foot. In Philadelphia the first pair of right and left foot shoes was made. Obviously, shoes were not made for comfort until this point.
3. Wooden shoes.
Wooden shoes, often referred to as clogs, were called by the Dutch klompens. Due to the fact that Holland is mostly below sea level, there are many swampy areas. The Dutch found that leather shoes became wet and easily wasted, which is why they designed a wooden pitcher. Even today, wearing these shoes is a popular tradition, although they are never worn inside the house. All wooden shawls are erected outside the residence of one and only stocking feet are permitted in the house.
4. Shoe Museum.
The only shoe museum in North America is located in Toronto, Ontario. This museum shows shoes spread over 4,500 years. There are compilations displayed by Sonja Bata in the Bata Shoe Museum.
5. Some shoes are dangerous to wear.
During the 16th century, Aristotle women began to wear shoes that were high heeled shoes. Some of these boots were high on high heels so that they needed the servants to help women walk. After this, the stilt was invented like a shoe and became rave in Venice. The prostitutes wear these shoes and the heels are so ridiculous that a law was enacted to limit the size of the heel on women's shoes. Women went to their death in the shoes of their shoes. Today, designers still prefer to create derogatory shoes. Alexander McQueen made a 10-inch heel, known as Armandillo Heels, to be worn at the 2010 fashion show. Models refused to wear them because they were in danger they posed.
6.You will wear these shoes! This is law.
The emperors usually set the type of fashionable shoes that the general public could not wear.
There are usually reasons behind their madness: In England, Henry VIII popularized widely tied shoes. He made a rule that the shoes should be 6 inches wide - the reason for this is that it was supposed to cover the feet surrounded by gout. Louis XIV, also called the King of the Sun, was only 5 feet 5 inches. Due to his short stature, he made high heels shoes popular and compulsory for men!
In this way it was the law at that time.
There are some strange traditions around weddings and shoes:
.In Hungary, the groom drinks a drink from his wedding shoes to the bride.
.In China, one shoe from the bride's shoes is thrown from the ceiling. The shoe should be red and the wedding gives good luck to it
.In the Middle Ages, there was a shoe ceremony for father and groom!
Father again gave that man power over his daughter. At the wedding, the bride will be shoe to show that she is now in the possession of the groom.
8. I am not getting my shoes.
"A small step to human, a huge leap for humankind" is the famous quote from Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. When he took the first step on the moon, the shoes he wore were now swimming in space somewhere. Fear of contamination had left their shoes before returning to Earth.
9. The most expensive shoes ever.
Some people will pay a lot of money to keep a pair of shoes that they want. The most expensive pair sold for US $ 660,000. They were Ruby Sandals, who were worn by Judy Garland in the Oz magician. Ruby slippers was sold at an auction on June 2, 2000.
10. Great marketing.
Henry Nelson McKinney, N. W. An advertising agent for Ayer and son, was a person who came with the word "sneaker". This was a great marketing idea for new inventive rubber shoes. He said that the soles of rubber had made the shoe "stealth", so he called them sneakers. The first sneakers were Keds and their invention was done in 1917. Sneakers went internationally in 1923 when a German man had made a sneaker and kept it on his own. The Sneaker is Adidas, whose name is named after adi dassler. This brand has been the world's largest seller of athletic shoes. Adidas, became famous after Jessie Owens won 4 Gold Medals, while wearing Adidas, during the 1936 Olympics.
There are so many interesting facts about shoes and their history. Hope you have enjoyed the random facts shared by me.